
Anthropocentrism by design in digital ecosystems: How can it be achieved?

Digital ecosystems can be advanced by a new way to design, implement and operate Information Communications Technology (ICT) products where people with different profiles (needs, requirements, physical characteristics, behaviours, desires and abilities) will move at the center of the development process. The new design principles will be based on how people can, need and want to perform tasks, protecting their privacy, dignity and freedoms rather than expecting users to adjust and accommodate their profiles to the ICT products.

The above vision can be achieved by the following set of objectives:

  • Research the effectiveness of enabling computers and humans to collaboratively reason over software artefacts, such as source code and compiled binaries, with the goal of capturing and accommodating humans, respecting their privacy and ethics.
  • Develop instrumentation and innovative architectures to capture, analyze and embed the process by which humans with different profiles reason over software artefacts and use to provide a basis for developing new forms of highly effective communication and information sharing between computers and humans.
  • Develop prototypes that will demonstrate the effectiveness of the new tools and architectures in different sectoral smart products. Develop innovative algorithms to dynamically monitor the mutual relationships, misuse, privileges and rights between humans and their smart objects (e.g., smart appliances/health equipment/vehicles/homes).

What is the opportunity?

“AI should be a tool for people and be a force for good in society with the ultimate aim of increasing human well-being” (Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ACT, COM/2021/206 final)

Why now?

Digital Revolution is growing at an astonishing rate:

  • 1 billion networked devices in 2021
  • 50 billion IoT devices by 2030
  • 2 million autonomous cars in 2024
  • autonomous ships market size $165.61 billion by 2030
  • 262,3 million smart Appliances by 2025
  • Robots will replace up to 20 million factory jobs’ by 2030

New technologies, computing  power and data are available to be used and conduct further research on  artificial neural networks, language modelling, deep nets, cybersecurity, neurobiology of language, brain computer interfaces, behavioural and psychological  interventions to reach our vision.

What are the challenges?

  • Coordinate multi-disciplinary research team and build on concepts of ethnography, sociology, cognitive psychology, computer science, natural language processing, deep learning and behavioural science to develop all necessary tools and processes for human centric architectures for digital products and services.
  • Optimize the relationship between people and cutting-edge technologies (Biometrics, IoT, AI, HPC, Cloud, satellite, blockchain, virtual, augmented and mixed reality) to attend communities’ needs.
  • Develop anthropocentric by design digital products and services focusing on the needs, contexts, behaviours, and emotions of the people, protecting the democratic and ethical values of the communities.
  • Develop innovative architectural principles and frameworks enabling communities’ lives come not merely of good policies, regulations and intentions, but of robust research and analysis.

What are the potential impacts?

  • Architectural Designs of anthropocentric digital ecosystems will bring trust to EU technologies and sustain the dignity of  all people.
  • European Digital Single Market will gain the competitive advantage of human centrism and trustworthiness where the European values are embedded in our ICT products.
  • EU SMEs and MEs will become pioneers in the international markets and find customers all over the world that live upon and seek ICT products that respect such values.
  • Fragmented new EU innovations from all sectors will be utilized and be brought forward towards this common goal.