Prinen R, Rathod P, Gugliandolo E, Fleminh K, Polemi N. (2024). Towards the Harmonisation of Cybersecurity Education and Training in the European Union through Innovation Projects. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2024). Kos Island Greece, pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON60312.2024.10578867.
Klitis C, Makris I, Bouzinis P, Asimopoulos DC, Mallouli W, Kioskli K, Seralidou E, Douligeris C, Christofi L. (2024). NERO: Advanced Cybersecurity Awareness Ecosystems dor SMEs. The 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024). pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.1145/3664476.3670447
Yigit Y, Kioskli K, Bishop L, Chouliaras N, Maglaras L, Janicke H. (2024). Enhancing Cybersecurity Training Efficacy: A Comprehensive Analysis of Gamified Learning, behavioral Strategies and Digital Twins. IEEE 25th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), pp. 24-32. DOI: 10.1103/WoWMoM60985.2024.0016
Rathod P, Polemi N, Letho M, Kioskli K, Wessels J, Lugo R. (2024). Leveraging the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) in EU Innovation Projects: Workforce Development through Skilling, Upskilling and Reskilling. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2024). Kos Island Greece, pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON60312.2024.10578846.
Yu L, Kioskli K, McCracken LM. (2024). Initial Validation of the Self Experiences Questionnaire-2 in People with Chronic Pain. Cognitive Therapy and Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10608-024-10500-1.
Kioskli K, Tsirimpa A, Karampotsis E, Polydoropoulou A. (2024). Psychological Health, Resilience Outcomes and Disaster Preparedness: The impact of Natural Hazards on Adults in Greece. A Cross-Sectional Analysis. The Journal Behavior. 7(1): 1-9.
Koutras, D., Kioskli K, Kotzanikolaou, P. (2024). The human factor impact on a Supply Chain Tracking Service through a Risk Assessment Methodology. In: Abbas Moallem (eds) Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 127. AHFE International, USA.
Alwaheidi, M., Islam, S., Papastergiou, S., Kioskli K. (2024). Integrating Human Factors into Data-driven Threat Management for Overall Security Enhancement. In: Abbas Moallem (eds) Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 127. AHFE International, USA.
Fotis, T., Kioskli K, Mouratidis, H. (2024). Human Factors and Cybersecurity in NHS Virtual Wards. In: Abbas Moallem (eds) Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 127. AHFE International, USA.
Kioskli K, Papastergiou, S., Fotis, T., Silvestri, S., Mouratidis, H. (2024). A Self-Organized Swarm Intelligence Solution for Healthcare ICT Security. In: Abbas Moallem (eds) Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 127. AHFE International, USA.
Kioskli K, Bishop, L., Polemi N, Ramfos, A. (2024). Towards a Human-Centric AI Trustworthiness Risk Management Framework. In: Abbas Moallem (eds) Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 127. AHFE International, USA.
Karampotsis E, Kioskli K, Tsirimpa A, Dounias G, Polydoropoulou A. Understanding Evacuation Behavior for Effective Disaster Preparedness: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach. Natural Hazards. 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-024-06759-y
Kalogeraki EM, Polemi N. A taxonomy for Cybersecurity Standards. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety. 2024, 5(1):95-115.
Polemi N, Praca I, Kioskli K, Becue A. Challenges and Efforts in Managing AI Trustworthiness Risks: A state of knowledge. Frontiers in Big Data. 2024, 7(1):1-14.
Kioskli K, Papastergiou S, Fotis T. A swarm-based clinical validation framework of Artificial Intelligence solutions for noncommunicable diseases. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences/Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences & Advanced Technology. 2023; 2(9): 1-11.
Rajamaki J, Rathod P, Kioskli K. Demand analysis of the cybersecurity knowledge areas and skills for the nurses: Preliminary findings. In proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS2023), June 22-June 23, 2023, Piraeus, Greece, 22(1):1-6.
Kioskli K, Mouratidis H, Polemi N. Bringing humans at the core of cybersecurity: Challenges and future research directions. In proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2023)/Track: ‘Human Factors in Cybersecurity’, July 20-July 24, 2023, San Fransisco, California, USA.
Polemi N, Kioskli K. Enhancing practical cybersecurity skills: The ECSF and the CyberSecPro European Efforts. In proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2023)/Track: ‘Human Factors in Cybersecurity’, July 20-July 24, 2023, San Fransisco, California, USA.
Kyranoudi P, Polemi N. Securing small and medium ports and their supply chain services. Frontiers in Computer Science; The Impacts of Cyber Threat in the Maritime Ecosystem. 2023; 5(1): 1-15.
Chatzisymeonidis S, Kioskli K. Insights and risk factors of involuntary hospitalizations through a retrospective analysis of police records: differences between involuntary and non-hospitalized patients. Current Psychology, 2023;1-10.
Polemi N, Van Maele C. Critical maritime routes programme monitoring, support and evaluation mechanism (CRIMSON III). Cybersecurity in maritime critical infrastructures; Reflection on African ports. Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI). 2023.
Kioskli K, Papastergiou S. A swarm artificial intelligence approach for effective treatment of chronic conditions. In proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Design and Reliable Communications Networks (DRCN), April 18-April 20, 2023, Vila i la Geltru, Spain.
Chatzisymeonidis S, Kioskli K. An observational study of domestic violence in Greece during COVID-19 through police records: The profile of heinous crimes between nuclear and extended family relationships. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 2023;17(1): 1-17.
Kioskli K, Fotis T, Nifakos S, Mouratidis. The Importance of conceptualising the human-centric approach in maintaining and promoting cybersecurity-hygiene in healthcare 4.0. Applied Sciences, Special Issue eHealth Innovative Approaches and Applications, 2023;13(6): 1-16.
Fotis T, Kioskli K, Sundaralingman S, Fasihi A, Mouratidis H. Co-creation in a digital health living lab: A case study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2023; 10(1): 1-13.
Kyranoudi P, & Polemi N. The security value of small and medium sized ports in a supply chain service. In proceedings of the 6th NATO NMIOTC Security Conference in Maritime Domain, September 27-September 28, 2022, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, 2022.
Kalogeraki E-M, & Polemi N. A taxonomy for cybersecurity standards applicable to the maritime sector. In proceedings of the 6th NATO NMIOTC Security Conference in Maritime Domain, September 27-September 28, 2022, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, 2022.
Polemi N, Michota A, Ioannidis S. A. Proposed cyber security certification scheme for supply chain services. In proceedings of the 13th NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center, June 7-June 8, 2022, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, 2022; 23(2): 50-56. Maritime Interdiction Operations Journal.
Kioskli K, Dellagiacoma D, Fotis T, Mouratidis H. The supply chain of a Living Lab: Modelling security, privacy, and vulnerability issues alongside with their impact and potential mitigation strategies. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), 2022; 13(2): 147-182.
Islam S, Papastergiou S, Kalogeraki EM, Kioskli K. Cyber Attack Path Generation and Prioritisation for Securing the Healthcare Systems. Applied Sciences Journal, Special Issue “Big Data for eHealth Applications”, 2022; 12(443): 1-23.
Kioskli K, & Polemi N. Estimating attackers’ profiles results in more realistic vulnerability severity scores. In proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2022)/Track: ‘Human Factors in Cybersecurity’, July 24-July 28, 2022, New York, New York, USA, 53 (1), 138-150. Springer, Elsevier, CRC.
Tanakas P, Polemi N, Ilias A. A novel system preventing and detecting SQL injection and cross-site script. In proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2021), December 9 – December 10, 2021, Cape Town, South Africa, IEEE,1-16.
ENISA 2021, Ad-Hoc Working Group on the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (Polemi N, Member of the ad hoc working group).
ENISA 2021, Methodology for a Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessment Authors: Andrukiewicz E, Atallah E, Bartels C, Dörr C, Marinos L, Michota A, Batalla JM, Nguyen K, Payen P, Polemi N, Preneel B, Quemard JP, Schaumüller-Bichl I, Stütz G, Ward J.
Kyranoudi P, Kalogeraki E, Michota A, Polemi N. Cybersecurity certification requirements for supply chain services. In proceedings of the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2021), September 5 – September 8, 2021, Athens, Greece, 1-7.
Kioskli K, Fotis T, Mouratidis H. The landscape of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and challenges in healthcare: Security standards and paradigm shift recommendations. In proceedings of the16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), SecHealth Workshop, August 17 – August 20, 2021, Digital Conference. ACM ICPS, New York, NY, USA, 136(1), 1-9.
Kioskli K, & Danassi, E. Design, method and apparatus of a computerized cognitive gamified training program targeting to maintain and improve cognitive health in older adults. In proceedings of the 14th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments conference (PETRA 2021), PAME workshop, June 29 – July 02, 2021, Corfu, Greece. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 315-319.
Papastergiou S, Kalogeraki EM, Polemi N, Douligeris C. Challenges and Issues in Risk Assessment in Modern Maritime Systems. In: Tsihrintzis G., Virvou M. (eds) Advances in Core Computer Science-Based Technologies. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems, 2021;14(1) Springer, Cham.
Pavlova N, Kioskli K, Picariello F, Smith C, Rayner L, Moss-Morris R. Psychosocial factors associated with, or predictors of obesity in adults with psoriasis: A systematic review of the literature. Skin Health and Disease, 2021;1(2), 1-9.
Yu L, Kioskli K, McCracken LM. The psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and its association with psychological flexibility and functioning in people with chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 2021;22(8), 926-939
Papastergiou S, Kalogeraki E-M, Polemi N, Douligeris C. Challenges and issues in risk assessment of modern maritime systems. In Tsihrintzis G.A., Virvou M. (eds.), “Advances in Core Computer Science-Based Technologies. Papers in Honour of Professor Nikolaos Alexandris”, Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-41195-4.
ENISA 2020, Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges (Polemi N, Member of the ad hoc working group)
Kioskli K, & Polemi N. Psychosocial approach to cyber threat intelligence. International Journal of Chaotic Computing, 2020;7(1): 159-165.
Kioskli K, & Polemi N. Measuring psychosocial and behavioural factors improves attack potential estimates. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (pp. 216-219); 2020.
Kioskli K, & Polemi N. A socio-technical approach to cyber risk assessment. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2020;14(10): 305-309.
Kioskli K, Scott W, Winkley K, Godfrey E, McCracken LM. Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for people with painful diabetic neuropathy in the United Kingdom: A single cohort feasibility trial. Pain Medicine, 2020; 21(11): 2777-2788.
Papastergiou S, Kalogeraki EM, Polemi D, Douligeris C. Challenges and issues in risk assessment of modern maritime systems. 2019; Chapter in G.A. Tsihrintzis et al. (eds.), ‘Selected papers in honor of Professor Nikolaos Alexandris’, Springer.
Nai-Fovino I, Neisse R, Hernandex-Ramos JL, Rzzzante G, Polemi N, Figwer M. European Cybersecurity Centres of Expertise Map -Definitions and Taxonomy. JRC Technical Reports, 2017 and 2019.
Kioskli K, Winkley K, McCracken LM. Might psychological flexibility processes and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) apply in adults with Painful Diabetic Neuropathy? A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2019;13(2019):66-73.
Kioskli K, Scott W, Winkley K, Kylakos S, McCracken LM. Psychosocial factors in painful diabetic neuropathy: a systematic review of treatment trials and survey studies. Pain Medicine, 2019;20(9):1765-1773.
Schauer S, Polemi N, Mouratidis H. MITIGATE: a dynamic supply chain cyber risk assessment methodology. Journal of Transportation Security, 2019;12(1-2), 1-35.
Papastergiou S, Polemi N, Kotzanikolaou P. Design and validation of the medusa supply chain risk assessment methodology and system. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2018; 14(1), 1-39.
Kalogeraki EM, Papastergiou S, Polemi N, Douligeris C, Panayiotopoulos T. Exploring Cyber-Security Issues in Vessel Traffic Services. In: Liu W., Giunchiglia F., Yang B. (eds) Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management. KSEM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11061. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Kalogeraki EM, Apostolou D, Polemi N, Papastergiou S. Knowledge Management Methodology for Identifying Threats in Maritime/Logistics Supply Chains. Knowledge Management Research and Practice Journal, 2018, 16(4): 508-524, ISSN: 1477-8238.
Kalogeraki EM, Papastergiou S, Mouratidis H, Polemi N. A novel risk assessment methodology for SCADA maritime logistics environments. Applied Sciences, MDPI AG, Switzerland, 2018; 8(9): 1477, ISSN: 2076-3417.
Kalogeraki EM, Papastergiou S, Polemi N, Douligeris C. SAURON Real-life Scenario: A Terrorist Coordinated Attack in a EU Port. Maritime Interdiction Operations Journal, NMIOTIC (NATO), 2018; 16(1) 22-27, ISSN: 2242-441X.
Scott W, Arkuter C, Kioskli K, Kemp H, McCracken L, Rice A, Williams A. Psychosocial factors associated with persistent pain in people with HIV. PAIN, 2018;159(12):2461-2476.
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